I Have Some Sort of Out-of-Body Experience When I Sleep

I’m a 13-year-old male, and I always fall asleep after school. During these naps, I have very detailed dreams that feel like a normal day. However, I experience false awakenings where I hear my alarm in the real world, but in the dream, I can’t find my phone or turn off the alarm, no matter how hard I try.

In these dreams, the world feels real, with my family and friends all present. When I wake up, I vividly remember everything that happened just five minutes after I fell asleep. It’s really weird, and I don’t understand what’s happening to me. Does anyone know what this could be?

I usually get at least 6 hours of sleep at night, but sometimes I fall into such a deep sleep during naps that I sleep through all my alarms. Any idea why this happens?

You might need more than 6 hours of sleep, especially at your age. Your body and brain are still growing, and proper rest is crucial. As for the dreams, it could be related to your sleep cycles or even sleep deprivation.

Normally, I sleep at least 6 hours, but I hear where you’re coming from. Do you know why I feel like I’m in another world while asleep?

What you’re describing sounds like a form of lucid dreaming, but it could also be hypnagogic hallucinations. These occur when you’re transitioning between sleep and wakefulness and can feel incredibly real.

I’ve had lucid dreams before, but this felt different. It was like I was awake in the real world, but I wasn’t.

Mai said:
I’ve had lucid dreams before, but this felt different. It was like I was awake in the real world, but I wasn’t.

If you’re aware that you’re in a dream but it feels hyper-realistic, it could still be a form of lucid dreaming. Alternatively, it might be sleep inertia or your brain trying to process and blur the line between reality and dreaming.