I’ve had purple under eyes for a while now and always thought it was because of a bad sleep schedule, so I try to go to bed earlier. But I still can’t fall asleep and end up on my phone. I also tend to yawn a lot in the mornings, which I know can be a sign of tiredness, but I don’t feel particularly tired. I was wondering if maybe I’m not getting enough sleep for my age?
That’s fine but stop going to sleep with your phone.
I don’t relatively feel tired.
This is key and suggests you’re getting enough sleep. The recommended range for your age is 8 to 10 hours.
Purple under eyes are more likely from allergic rhinitis or genetics than sleep deprivation
If you have dark circles under your eyes you should get checked for allergies.
When you’re older, you’ll only be able to dream of having 7.5-8.5 hours sleep. Enjoy it.
Trying to sleep earlier and not being able to - then coping by going on your phone is one of the dumbest things you could do. No wonder you can’t sleep early
That’s about what my 10 year old sleeps.
As others have said, it could be allergies, but it could also be rubbing your eyes first thing in the morning. If you rub really hard, you will aggravate the skin.
You should get as much sleep as possible.