Is 6 hours of sleep enough if it's quality sleep?

I usually sleep for 8 hours but after discovering I have mild apnea and UARS, I realized those weren’t quality hours. Now, with a CPAP machine, I get about 6 hours of sleep and wake up feeling great. Should I try to sleep more, like 7-8 hours, or is 6 enough? I’m concerned about potential issues as I age.

If I could get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep with a cool room temperature, no disruptions, a dark and quiet environment, and a comfortable bed, I’d feel fantastic. That sounds like the ideal sleep setup to me.

My setup is similar. I have a cold room, use a white noise machine, wear an eye mask, and have an air filter and a new mattress. I even use a CPAP machine now. But I’m still not used to waking up at 4 AM, it’s kind of funny.

If you’re waking up more refreshed than before, then it sounds like you’re getting enough sleep!

Just a note, high HRV means low stress, not the other way around.

Feeling refreshed and functioning well during the day are good signs. Continue to monitor how you feel and maybe talk about your long-term health concerns with your doctor.

The best way to judge if you’re getting enough sleep is how you feel and perform during the day. If your energy levels are good and you’re not feeling overly tired, you’re probably getting enough sleep. Assess this over a few weeks, not just a few days.

Thanks for the advice. I do feel good during the day, but I find myself dozing off by 8 PM. I guess I need to adjust my bedtime routine to stay up a bit later.

It might be a good idea to discuss this with your doctor.

I’m curious about why you started using CPAP. I have a deviated septum that affects my breathing. My sleep has deteriorated over the years, and now I wake up after just 3 hours some nights. I started tracking my sleep with a smartwatch and noticed changes in my REM sleep. I’m over 40.

I definitely need more than 6 hours. If I miss out on the later stages of REM sleep, I experience a range of symptoms from headaches to mood swings and even cognitive issues. I manage it with various therapies and personal health strategies.

I’ve heard that entering REM sleep several times a night is a sign of healthy sleep.

Vance said:
I’ve heard that entering REM sleep several times a night is a sign of healthy sleep.

While REM is important, it’s just one aspect of a healthy sleep pattern. You also need a good balance of light and deep sleep.

Exactly, it’s all about balance among REM, light, and deep sleep phases.

For me, 6 hours is enough as long as it’s not every single night.