Looking for Non-Phone Alarm Options for Better Sleep

I’m aiming for a more peaceful wake-up and better sleep quality by not using my phone as an alarm anymore. Can anyone recommend some good alarm clocks or alternative alarms to use instead of my phone? Thanks!

Consider a smartwatch as your alarm.

A smart bulb could work. Set it to turn on very bright when it’s time to wake up. I keep electronics like watches and phones out of reach to avoid the temptation of checking them if I wake up early.

I use a sunrise simulator alarm that slowly increases light and plays bird chirps. It’s very calming and helps me start the day relaxed.

I bought a simple alarm clock from AliExpress for about $7.

You might want to check Amazon for a variety of alarm clocks.

I got a basic alarm clock from Walmart for less than $10 during a power outage. It just needs two batteries.

Here are a few alternatives:

  • An analog alarm clock, positioned away from your bed so you can’t see the time at night.

  • A fitness watch.

  • Keep using your phone but place it out of arm’s reach.

I bought an Alexa for my alarm. I turn off my phone at night and wake up only when Alexa’s alarm goes off, with no clocks in my room.

You could also just keep your phone as an alarm but place it across the room.