No sleep after 2 glasses of alcohol

I’ve had a sabbatical after a burn out, i got my sleep health ect back in to shape. I also went off alcohol for pretty much a year, And have been feeling great since. I used to drink a couple of pints, wine rhum ect no issues.

During the festive holidays, i drank alcohol 3 times, 3 times i had total insomnia, next day ruined. Restless and agitated during the night heart rate stays high, felt as is the metabolism was running full steam and never slowing down. And its like just 2 pints of beer or 2 glasses of spirits… nothing more.

it feels as though my body is saying " get that cr*p out".

I’ve never struggled to fall asleep like that, then again I haven’t had a drop in 1 year. Is that a normal effect on sleep?

I’ll probably just ditch booze for good.

Yeah alcohol is terrible for sleep

Alcohol is brutal for sleep. People who struggle falling asleep think it helps, because you fall asleep easier. However, the quality of the sleep is horrible.

If you’re going to drink, mix water between drinks, and/or opt for drinks that have a lot of water (i.e. vodka seltzer). I like mixing seltzer in with a lot of things, including wine.

Stop drinking a few hours before bed if you can, and asap take an ibuprofen, or one of those anti hangover pills if you can get one.

If you’ve stopped drinking alcohol for a long time, what you’ve experienced is likely a reaction from your body. Also, drinking alcohol before going to bed is typically not recommended.

If you don’t have sleep apnea, drinking alcohol will make your sleep worse.

If you do have sleep apnea, drinking alcohol can make your sleep even worse than that.

So it might be worth checking for sleep apnea (ask if you’d like recommendations), but either way, booze is bad for your sleep. It’s probably not good for you in general, either. :man_shrugging:t3:

If I have my last drink two or three hours before I go to sleep I’m usually OK. Otherwise, it’s usually pretty garbage sleep.

Sounds like you already know the best thing for your body and mind is to just let the alcohol go. Maybe try and find something to replace it. I enjoy fizzy waters.

Alcohol always does this to me.

what’s a “sabbatical”?

Finch said:
what’s a “sabbatical”?

sorry a career break for 12 months after my burnout.