What’s your favorite app for sleep meditations? Personally, I like Worthfit, but I’m curious about your thoughts. What do you listen to and prefer? Let me know!
Insight timer
I use youtube premium and really enjoy Chibs Okereke’s channel for sleep meditations. Breath work, tension release/body scan, and not too much talking. He’s got a very soothing voice as well.
Corey said:
I use youtube premium and really enjoy Chibs Okereke’s channel for sleep meditations. Breath work, tension release/body scan, and not too much talking. He’s got a very soothing voice as well.
Let me check that one! Thank you
Sam Harris has an excellent app called Waking Up. It’s mainly a meditation app, but there are some sessions on sleep, and all of this monkey mind stuff is connected in the end.
Wendell said:
Sam Harris has an excellent app called Waking Up. It’s mainly a meditation app, but there are some sessions on sleep, and all of this monkey mind stuff is connected in the end.
Waking Up is the only meditation app I can tolerate. Been using it for many years.
I have an Oura ring, and the app that comes with it has some meditations and breathwork that really help! I think there are samples from Headspace and other apps.
Kingsley said:
I have an Oura ring, and the app that comes with it has some meditations and breathwork that really help! I think there are samples from Headspace and other apps.
Thank you! Will definitely look into that
Insight timer
No apps, but the Get Sleepy bedtime stories on YouTube do the trick for me. It might work better with YouTube Premium
Headspace, they have some specifically for when you can’t sleep or wake up and can’t get back to sleep
Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation. It’s a 10 min meditation on youtube for anxiety.
I use Balance regularly and it works great. It’s free for a year. I’ve also been using Mindvalley. A bit pricey but so many meditations and self-help tools!
There’s a podcast I’m hooked on called Nothing Much Happens. The creator writes and slowly recites a simple story. Puts me out every single time.
Waking Up. Love it.
Smiling Mind
I use the mynoise app in addition to insight timer. There’s a variety of noises that I enjoy and can fall asleep to.