Where is the worst/most uncomfortable place that you have ever slept/attempted to sleep?

I once decided to sleep on the floor of a friend’s hotel room instead of walking 1.5 miles to my own place. My back has never been the same since. What’s the most uncomfortable place you’ve ever tried to sleep?

I’ve actually found sleeping on a hard living room floor to be beneficial for my back pain, especially after long days working as a scaffolder. However, sleeping in a car or while camping in tents has been really uncomfortable for me.

Uncomfortable or should we say ‘uncomfartable’? Did you end up gassing up the car too?

Paz said:
Uncomfortable or should we say ‘uncomfartable’? Did you end up gassing up the car too?

Haha, good one! :joy:

My worst experiences: 1. A tent that came unpegged in a storm, with water filling inside. 2. Sleeping sideways in an unleveled van in freezing temperatures. 3. A sketchy cabin with unsavory remnants. 4. A sleep study with sensors attached to me. 5. The year I suffered from insomnia, even in my own bed.

The worst for me was sleeping on an air mattress that somehow ended up sideways on the hardwood floor, using the mattress as a pillow instead.

The most uncomfortable sleep I’ve had was on a night train from Amsterdam to Berlin in 1990, freezing and being woken up by young East German guards with machine guns for passport checks.

Sleeping in an airliner has been my worst experience due to the cramped space.

Maybe! It was on Christmas night, 1990.

Actually, the most comfortable place I’ve ever slept was in a hammock on a hot afternoon. It was the best nap of my life!

I once had to sleep on the floor in my girlfriend’s very narrow bed in her new city apartment. It was like dropping onto concrete when I woke up.

I slept on a concrete bench in the Atlanta airport after a missed flight due to delays. There were no hotel rooms available.

I once slept on my back patio after being locked out, using a nasty doormat as a blanket. Definitely made me rethink my drinking habits!

I fell asleep watching meteors on hay rolls and ended up on the ground, startling a coyote. Another time, I slept on a deck railing and fell, severely injuring my toe. Ended up performing a self-care procedure on it.

A window bench was probably the most uncomfortable spot I’ve attempted to sleep.

Sleeping in a tent has always been a nightmare for me due to the hard ground.

I once slept in a field under the stars during a meteor shower at a summer camp. It was both magical and miserably uncomfortable.

The German airport was my worst sleep; being woken up by security at 4-5 am and told to move was a nightmare.

The worst place I’ve slept was a guest cottage with mice everywhere. I was too embarrassed to complain, so I spent the night listening to them.

Jail has to be the most uncomfortable place I’ve ever tried to sleep.