Anyone know any good sleep sound apps that have a fog or train horn?

I’m looking for a sleep app that plays sounds. All the ones I’ve tried have ocean sounds or train driving noises, but I grew up near the ocean and the sound of fog horns is so relaxing to me! Same with train horns.

Anyone know any apps that have those? Thank you!

Insight timer is a great app! I use it every night falling asleep. It has alot of stuff including meditations, sleep stories etc it’s been my favorite app so far

Wynn said:
Insight timer is a great app! I use it every night falling asleep. It has alot of stuff including meditations, sleep stories etc it’s been my favorite app so far

Oh thank you! I’ll look into it!

This is so odd. I was just listening to the relaxation sounds in my Mudita Harmony (it’s an eInk alarm clock with this awesome relaxation library of sounds) & it has this sound called Autumnal Sea, basically waves crashing, seagulls & then in the background out of nowhere you get this boat horn. It kinda threw me off. But I guess this is what you are looking for. :slight_smile:

Thank you!! Yes I am! My favorite is rain and fog/boat horns at the same time. I’ll look into this, thanks again!

Blaine said:
Thank you!! Yes I am! My favorite is rain and fog/boat horns at the same time. I’ll look into this, thanks again!

I can’t post links here, but you can check out their YT page & they preview some of the sounds there.

The Calm app! They have sleep stories and soundscapes that feature trains. They’re some of my favorites to fall asleep to.