How do I change my sleep time from 5am to 11pm in a day?

I forgot that Christmas holiday ends and I have school the day after, which I have to wake up at 7am. Currently my sleep time is at 5am, but I cannot make small incremental changes to my sleep as I cannot function without 8-9 hours of sleep, otherwise I may need multiple cans of Redbull. How do I make sure I’m gonna fall asleep at 11pm tmr (today)?

I have to also make sure that I can function well tmr and the day after because I need to complete 6 Chemistry exam past papers for A-levels tmr. Any tips will be very appreciated :pray:t2:

What kind of horrible school schedule do you have my friend?! Try to stay awake all day today. You usually go to sleep at 5 am? Stay awake!!! Stay up as long as you can until 7pm then hit the sack. Sleep for a good 12 hours.

I’ve had to do similar schedules while traveling and you’ll be fine. Just need to stay up a little long. No sleep for you! Not until 7pm. And you probably won’t even need melatonin you will be so tired.

I have some melatonin pills. Do I just take double the amount to sleep at 11pm?? It’s not recommended but if I do will I suffer from big consequences?

Carter said:
I have some melatonin pills. Do I just take double the amount to sleep at 11pm?? It’s not recommended but if I do will I suffer from big consequences?

Too much melatonin can backfire. Turn off all screens at 9pm, only water but none after 9:30, no food after 8. Perhaps aim for a nap instead of 8 hours. The body only needs 1 REM cycle. I like to hit 4 hours at least nightly.

I read about pulling all-nighters, but how do I make sure that I can do algebra and calculus well tmr? I’m gonna mess up my uni exams if the time tmr isn’t used effectively for studying.

Wake up earlier than you normally would.

Here is my advice: fake sleep is fine in this situation because of the situation you’re in. Downers recommended: low dose cannabis and melatonin (1mg-2mg) 2 hours before sleep, magnesium 30 minutes before sleep (all forms of it are good). Your dinner should have lots of fats in it and little carbohydrates. Harder stuff could be valium, benzodiazepines, NSAIDs if you can get your hands on these. Take them an hour or two before sleep.

In the morning, if you still feel tired, drink lots of coffee (200-300 mg), and any other stimulants you take. Keep dosing melatonin (0.5-1 mg) every night after that, but stay away from the hard stuff for multiple nights in a row. It’s not gonna be more effective in a higher dose, it’s just gonna destroy your endogenous supply.

Not to rub your nose in it, but you haven’t indicated that you realize the depths to which you’ve made a mess for yourself by letting this happen.

You will seriously screw up your health (and possibly your life) if you keep doing this.

I’m the same way so I get it, but discipline is the only self-care that really matters when it comes to not letting your sleep veer back to its natural and unworkable pattern.

There is no guaranteed way to get yourself to sleep 6 hours earlier than the day before. If you don’t sleep, then just lay there and practice relaxation and acceptance - instead of brooding over how the next day will suck without sleep, focus on accepting the challenge and moving forward, and focus on the fact that even truly relaxing with your eyes closed is far more restful than laying there stressing.