I've slept 8+ hours every single night for a year. AMA [Re-Post]

Kit said:
Any tips on clearing your head while lying in bed? Ifind myself going through a thought frenzy every night

Balance app has some great guided sleep meditations. It has helped me learn to meditate in general, but the sleep ones saved me from my worst ever insomnia.

Do you mean without ever waking up in the middle of the night?

If so, what advice do you have to not wake up in the middle of the

Bay said:
Do you mean without ever waking up in the middle of the night?

If so, what advice do you have to not wake up in the middle of the

the part that is most important to understand is the preparation for a good night’s sleep actually starts as soon as you wake up.

most important: When you wake up, get out of bed immediately! Not after 5 mins but right away, and get yourself to a window and try to get sunlight right away. Even just for a few mins.

Other things that have helped - you’ve probably already heard these but: 1) weight training 2) don’t eat 3 within 3 hours of bedtime

and keep your room COLD as cold as possible (I keep mine around 67 deg F)

I’ve never noticed any difference using magnesium glycinate


Around what age are you? Sleep gets much, much harder for some of us as we age.

Edit: nm, I see you’re in your mid-30s. One day I hope to see someone 45+ with a helpful post like yours for us who are struggling. (I imagine the details will be different.)

how much exercise or physical activity do you get?

Emerson said:
how much exercise or physical activity do you get?

weight training 3x per week (about 45 mins each) + walking as much as possible

Emerson said:
how much exercise or physical activity do you get?

also interested in this

Emerson said:
how much exercise or physical activity do you get?

came here to ask this

Thoughts on melatonin?

Rudy said:
Thoughts on melatonin?

didn’t work for me but YMMV

Have you tried taping mouth or nasal tape for easier breathing - any experiences to share?

Kingsley said:
Have you tried taping mouth or nasal tape for easier breathing - any experiences to share?

never tried this because I have a deviated septum and feel like it won’t be suitable for me. But I have heard very positive stories about this from others. I have an appnt with an ENT specialist later this year, so if I’m able to get my deviated septum fixed, I would definitely try the mouth taping.

Kingsley said:
Have you tried taping mouth or nasal tape for easier breathing - any experiences to share?

This comment is empty, admin should fix

Are there any books, podcasts, or anything you would highly recommend to people who want to learn more about sleep?

Daryn said:
Are there any books, podcasts, or anything you would highly recommend to people who want to learn more about sleep?

i think you can find some good Andrew Huberman clips although a lot of it really gets in the details which can overwhelm ppl. I’d say stick to the basics as much as possible. The biggest take-home I learned from him is try to get sunlight as soon as you wake up (through a window is OK). Don’t roll around in bed

Even if you wake up in the middle of the night? I wake as least three to four times a night and don’t fall back asleep for half hour or more. Not sure if I should just get up at 1:00 am then try to stay awake until the next night?

How the fuck bro? I dont fully understand sleep rhythms but how do you sleep 8 hours? For me, 9 hours is what I need but I cannot sleep that much without feeling like my free time is too short. 7 30 hours leaves me pretty sleepy the next day and 8 hours makes it basically impossible for me to wake up rested in the morning

Some people need more than others but I think most ppl can train their bodies to feel refreshed with 8.

8 hours of high quality sleep > 9 hours of OK-quality sleep

Jules said:

I love it! I still blast the AC and use a fan, but the material is very breathable and it’s really nicely built. I have the breeze cooilng weighted blanket from gravid.ca and it’s very high quality. I highly recommend this brand as a whole (if you have some money to spend).

If you’re tight on funds, look for a cheaper alternative on amazon.