What single change has most improved your sleep?

For me, it was starting to wear a sleep mask when I lived in an apartment with a streetlight right outside my window. I never knew how nice it was to sleep in total darkness before then.

Not drinking alcohol

Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

Seriously… I started drinking alcohol.
3 drinks the first day. Then a week off, then one per week.
Depression vanished within the first week.

Luca said:

Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

Seriously… I started drinking alcohol.
3 drinks the first day. Then a week off, then one per week.
Depression vanished within the first week.

The depression depleted or went away I hope when the drinking stopped?

Fully vanished.
I knew that “isnt supposed to be how it works”… since “alcohol is a depressant” and I’ve had alcoholic relatives that it nearly killed… BUT: not me. I’m repulsed by alcohol, it doesn’t make me feel “good”. I cant drink more than 3 drinks. Its just not possible.

But after some googling I found some studies that say: Yup! Alcohol can block the same receptors some antidepressants do for up to 2 weeks.

You need to be wired the right way… and I am.

Luca said:

Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

Seriously… I started drinking alcohol.
3 drinks the first day. Then a week off, then one per week.
Depression vanished within the first week.

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Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

That’s not sleeping … it’s passing out - not the same sleep.

Harper said:

Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

That’s not sleeping … it’s passing out - not the same sleep.

Thats not what hes referring to. Hes referring to the fact that you wake up early or frequently when you metabolize alcohol.

Harper said:

Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

That’s not sleeping … it’s passing out - not the same sleep.

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Tory said:
Not drinking alcohol

Wish I could upvote this more than once

Never ever checking the time when I wake up. It just creates anxiety, so doesn’t help me fall asleep again (until the alarm goes off).

Arlo said:
Never ever checking the time when I wake up. It just creates anxiety, so doesn’t help me fall asleep again (until the alarm goes off).

Game changer

Arlo said:
Never ever checking the time when I wake up. It just creates anxiety, so doesn’t help me fall asleep again (until the alarm goes off).

Same here!!!

Arlo said:
Never ever checking the time when I wake up. It just creates anxiety, so doesn’t help me fall asleep again (until the alarm goes off).

I started doing this. It has helped, but I still struggle to get back to sleep sometimes. Any advice?

Yep… pretend (really pretend) you have to get up. Your body will immediately say a little “oh, no, I wish I could stay in bed longer”
Then you say to yourself “ok, just today we will sleep again”

But like when you were a kid and playing felt like real life… you have to “pretend at that level”. You can’t “fool yourself”. You can only pretend really well.

^^ this is genius advice! I’ve done this similar mind game for years now, but never thought of how I could explain it outwardly. You just did it perfectly!

And it really, REALLY works too! I can count on this method almost every time I remember to use it. But that being said, I’m a procrastinator by nature though, so perhaps I’m somewhat more susceptible to this technique :joy:

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A book. But it must be a heavy, non fiction. No thrillers!

Arlo said:
Never ever checking the time when I wake up. It just creates anxiety, so doesn’t help me fall asleep again (until the alarm goes off).

Wait I’m confused if you set an alarm don’t you know the time when you wake up

Arlo said:
Never ever checking the time when I wake up. It just creates anxiety, so doesn’t help me fall asleep again (until the alarm goes off).

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