Am I the only one who has not slept soundly through the night in literal years?

And I mean this. Often times I feel like a zombie and it makes me want to cry sometimes. I have nocturia, and after multiple doctor visits, I’m demanding to see a specialist. If it isn’t the nocturia keeping me up, it’s the constant bodily pain. Sleeping pills make me groggy.

Oh I’m sorry to hear this. Glad you’re making demands

You are not alone here. I’ve basically made peace with this myself but, it definitely persists.

Vega said:
You are not alone here. I’ve basically made peace with this myself but, it definitely persists.

Do you have nocturia or just can’t sleep?

Dallas said:

Vega said:
You are not alone here. I’ve basically made peace with this myself but, it definitely persists.

Do you have nocturia or just can’t sleep?

Not diagnosed with either, not for lack of trying. Psychiatric folks just say ‘depression plus anxiety’ neither is actually accurate. If anything I’ve got what I call sleep-anxiety, apparently not a recognized thing in the DSM. Ive tried every prescription they have offered up, useless basically. Xanax/Alprazolam definitely helps me get to sleep, another I tried, trazadone helped me eventually stay asleep but, did absolutely zero to help fall asleep. Hate to say this but now I’m taking 1mg darkweb Xanax plus 100ml whiskey before bed with literally a single puff, occasionally two of cannabis. It’s as close as I’ve come to actual relief. I still wake up a few times per night and struggle to fall asleep again but, in the last decade this is as good as it gets. It’s definitely not sleep apnea, spent WAY too much to confirm that. This isn’t medical advise obviously, just a field report from someone who literally was considering a FAR worse permanent option after 5 years of 1.5-3 hours sleep per night. YMMV

I definitely average less than 5 a night. How did they rule out sleep apnea?

Dallas said:
I definitely average less than 5 a night. How did they rule out sleep apnea?

Sleep study. Turns out I’m ridiculously unaffected. Sleep blood oxygen is solid, etc, VERY few breathing difficulties WHEN I fall asleep. It literally got to a point, at its worst, where I bought a stupid powerful stun-gun to try on myself. Also this didn’t work so don’t bother trying my stupid test. Lifetime shit sleeper, after 5 decades this is certain. I eliminated caffeine and everything else for a while desperately trying to find an answer. Tried all the recommended supplements and more. Best nights sleep in the last year was after getting hit as a pedestrian by a car in Vietnam. Pharmacist gave me a few 30mg OxyContin and that shit WORKED for a few days. No doctor has ever really taken my assessment seriously at all. I just finally broke and decided to go rogue. I’m averaging 6-7 hours a night now, but I still wake up several times per night, sometimes I’ve gotten lucky and fall back asleep, this morning wasn’t one. Up 18 hours now, finishing that whiskey and letting the alprazolam kick in. No cannabis tonight. I’ve done batshit crazy stuff like a 13 hour 2,000 meter elevation glacier hike that was DEFINITELY physically exhausting. I take zero stimulant meds. 5 hours sleep that night. Following day I climbed a 9,600 foot mountain about the same sleep results. Mentally exhausted days are not better. You adapt to things over time. Most of my life was flight or fright type living. I’m a solid PTSD diagnosis if ever there was one. Basically just saying this is apparently a reality for a lot of folks. It SUCKS. My last vivid dream was over 5 years ago. Wishing you the best of luck. I’m literally a regular dark web browser/shopper now because I’m still freaking trying to find a solution, even if well outside medical guidelines. I figure if I accidentally die in my sleep it still definitely beats Alzheimer’s or cancer or some shit. On the RARE days I do actually score 7-9 hours of pure uninterrupted sleep I feel pretty awesome. Sleep is a priceless commodity to me, absolutely the best drug out there. I’d literally try pure heroin if it were a realistic option.

My previous USA medical insurance didn’t cover ‘mental’ healthcare so ALL expenses were out of pocket. (United mega ironically). My current is SLIGHTLY better (Cigna). I can’t afford $800/month forever though, especially with known price manipulation coming VERY soon.

I have narcolepsy, which was first diagnosed as insomnia and anxiety and depression. Keep asking questions and advocating for yourself

I have a very important question for you. Did your sleep study give you an RDI (respiratory disturbance index)? If it didn’t, it didn’t rule out the possibility of sleep apnea. This is a very unfortunate thing that happens all too often. There are ways to get around this and get to the truth, if you’re interested. But basically, you can have severe symptoms from sleep apnea without your oxygen dropping at all overnight. Specifically, I would order a WatchPAT at-home sleep test from Lofta. $189, one night, and you’ll have a better idea of what your sleep breathing is like. Oh, and to be clear, if your AHI and your RDI from your sleep study were exactly the same, then they didn’t do it right. (They didn’t score RERAs, respiratory-effort related arousals.)


I often say the only good, deep sleep I’ve ever had was when I was in a coma haha. Sleeping soundly through the night is a fairytale to me.

YEARS. Unless someone gives me a 1mg Xanax - then I’d sleep like a dream.

You are not alone. I’ve been having difficulty sleeping for the past 6-7 years. Or, I would finally fall asleep due to exhaustion but wake up 3 hours later.

Your chronic pain complicates things, but it’s very possible you could have sleep apnea. Did you know that tens of millions of people in the US have sleep apnea? Did you know that sleep apnea causes nocturia? If you can get an at-home sleep test from a doctor that provides an RDI (respiratory disturbance index), do that. If you don’t know where to start on that, or the doctor can’t confirm that the test provides an RDI, just order a WatchPAT at-home sleep test from Lofta. They’re $189. DM me if you’re confused or need more help.