Got my circadian rhythm off and would like it back

Hi guys. So, as the title suggests, I’ve gotten into a really weird sleep pattern the last few days where I’ll be tired in the afternoon but not able to sleep, which will continue until I can go to sleep that night but then I don’t sleep well. Not having a job and being depressed is the main cause, I think. I’m on sertraline and my psychiatrist has me on Mirtazipine. I also take melatonin at night and meditate. But I’ve gotten into a vicious cycle of over caffeination and under sleeping lately. Thanks for any advice.

Hello, just Gradually Adjust Your Schedule
As you begin to adjust your schedule, start slow. Instead of changing your sleep and wake times by several hours at once, adjust by an hour or less each day.

Apply Treatments which includes external stimulus therapy, such as bright light therapy or chronotherapy, a behavioral technique in which the bedtime is gradually adjusted

resetting the timing of when you sleep and when you wake up,” says Dr. Roth. “It has to do more with the schedule of your sleep, rather than how well you fall asleep.”

Your healthcare provider can tell you more about what you should expect in your particular case. Some circadian rhythm disorders reverse themselves naturally

Healthy lifestyle changes
Keep a regular meal schedule, especially if you are a shift worker or sleep at irregular times of the day or night.
Start a regular bedtime routine.
Avoid daytime naps, especially in the afternoon.
Get regular physical activity.

Getting Your Sleep Patterns Back on Track
Maintain a regular time for going to bed and waking up.
The bedroom is for sleeping and intimacy.
Get outside during the day.
Avoid heavy meals, and stimulants before bed.
Address stress.
Eliminate light and noise.
Clock watchers.
Don’t just lay there.